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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Coping With Nostalgia...

I spent the Golden Days of my life in Chandigarh. Teenage, college life, hostel life, love life... every "first" thing happened at that (which NOW looks like) unbelievably beautiful place . Given a chance, I'd pay my life to turn back time and experience it all over again. I fondly reminisce and cherish those memories and often keep brooding over it for hours together. Last evening was one of those times. It was as if a blanket of warm memories had enveloped me tightly, not letting me go. As if they themselves wanted to persist on my mind and leave a mark forever. If only i was blogging "regularly" back then! I used to blog on and off . Even if i could, it will take me an entire life to muster the courage to read those entries. It would be absolutely impossible to hold back tears. The ups and downs those days were about some really silly and innocent things. Now i wonder why did those things ever bother me. I am wayyyyy mature now. The only side effect of which is, my friends have started calling me "bore aatma".

At the same time it was lovely like no other thing could ever be. Those carefree days and nights, when the sleep cycle was perfect and days were vibrant and zestful. Those longs hours of chats with DH (then, fiance. we were in to a long distance relationship (LDR). He was in mumbai.). Missing and then covering up lectures in college. Sneak peak at TV late nights at hostel. The list is so long, i can go on and on for more than 5 consecutive posts. Point is, at times i feel i am still hanging on to the my past. Maybe it is not actually hanging on.. but it sure affects my mood to a great extent.

Whatever it is, i just miss those days a lot.


K 3 said...

When I reminisce, I worry that I am growing older quicker -- You see, I used to complain about my dad talking about 50 paise chai that he would buy, or how he had to walk 3 miles to school and I would think that is such an old story.

But now I do the same, of course, *hush hush*, when I catch up with my friends and classmates. How the tables have turned!

Anonymous said...

When I was in my final year of high school, we were all preparing mentally to move on, leave the school, teachers and friends behind, walk into a new world, explore new paths, etc.

Somehow, at that point, I believed that this change was not going to be forever. I strongly believed, I would go back to my childhood and get back to my school again.

Now, although I am in touch with most of my friends from school and college, many of my teachers have retired. Some have left the school and joined others.

But I really miss the campus. I wish they would allow us to still hang out in the campus like we used to back then.

Aryan-Arjun said...

YOu are very true about Nostalgic thoughts..How I wish I was back to that life cycle..But still life goes on..on..
Aryan's Mom
BTW—My blog named, aryan, is actually my son's blog. That means all the post will be narrated by him. It is like him who is writing,...so that is why my profile gender is male. But anyway you know that it me, his mom, who is maintaining the blog. That is why whenever I comment , I specifically say aryan's mom..
I hope you confusion is gone.
Aryan's mom

Anonymous said...

yes it is a real life happening. i donno how it is when youu read it but it sounds nice and funny when you hear, i mean stress and drag 'generally' when necessary.

Aryan-Arjun said...

Hi..you are taggged...
Aryan's mom

starry said...

I sometimes feel that way too.reminiscing makes me feel good sometimestogether with its ups and downs.I wish I had jotted down all my thoughts back then,maybe i would sit back and laugh at how immature I was.

Anonymous said...

I found this sit because I had deliberately typed in under search "Coping with Nostalgia" hoping some headshrinker had decided it would make for a useful blog page .... I'm 60, and between Google Earth and the online Criss-Cross Directorys that allow you to indulge in melencholy even up to the point of seeing the names of who now live in your childhood home while a clear overhead view of the old neighborhood increases the melencholy even further ... believe me if you feel such depths of nostalgia at 35 to 50, wait until that magic number 60 pops up ! I admit, it's all so silly ! Unlike many, I would not want to repeat it all again,though might consider small revisits of specific 'snippets' of time if such a 'Virtual Experience Simulater' were to be invented. Heh ! I never knew there would come a day that the mysterious trip of the yearly salmon spawn runs would not only be clearly understood,but almost a perfect duplicate urge experience .. sans the wet flapping trip !